Color Name: Oak Plank

Color Number: 0148

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0148

LRV: 44

RGB: 198 168 151

Hex: #C9AC9C

Color Schemes:

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Modern simplicity showcases much of today’s design style. As we turn to 2016, themes of creating restful havens within our home continue to take focus. Stepping away from computers, phones and embracing downtime helps us towards this goal. Design elements taken from nature are a perfect partner in the quest for modern stylings.
Diamond Vogel again this year offers you a unique look at the top colors selected by your neighbors for their recent painting projects. Color selection is very personal, but knowing what colors are popular in your market can provide confidence in your own selections.
Life as we know it is looking very different, and as we try to navigate a ‘new-normal’ it’s only to be expected that much still feels uncertain. With this in mind it is important to take time out, to breathe, clear our heads and relax. What better way to achieve this than to transform your tired bathroom into a calm and reassuring space to unwind and take a well-deserved respite.