Color Name: Misty Valley

Color Number: 0785

Due to variances in computer monitors, colors displayed may vary from actual paint colors. For best results, visit your Diamond Vogel Paint Store and refer to our color chips or samples.

Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0785

LRV: 53

RGB: 188 194 135

Hex: #BFC58D

Color Schemes:

Similar Colors:


Diamond Vogel again this year offers you a unique look at the top colors selected by your neighbors for their recent painting projects. Color selection is very personal, but knowing what colors are popular in your market can provide confidence in your own selections.
Using pastels across your exteriors creates a space to unwind and feel refreshed. This month’s color palette looks beautiful in bright sunlight, but also stands out in shaded yards and can brighten up even the darkest of areas.
Refresh bathrooms and kitchens with a summer palette inspired by undiscovered beaches, exotic foliage and crystal-clear oceans. Create your own personal paradise this summer with a palette to escape with!