Color Name: Zenith

Color Number: 0647

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0647

LRV: 20

RGB: 73 120 157

Hex: #567FA3

Color Schemes:

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Pantone has chosen Veri Peri, a new Pantone color whose courageous presence encourages personal inventiveness and creativity, as the Color of the Year for 2022.
Summer welcomes a new chapter. A collective wish for new beginnings leads us to thoughtful hues that support healing, reflection, and a sense of optimism. Our 2022 Summer Trend palettes are designed to express these hopes and bring dreams of renewal to life. Within these palettes, you will discover your own color vision for 2022.
Zenith is a deep blue that provides restful comfort for both body and mind. This color frees our spirit and makes a powerful statement of strength and empowerment while offering quiet beauty that connects spaces, cultures, and generations.
Calm and collected, this selection of blue hues is designed to create a restorative atmosphere for health and wellness environments.