Color Name: Sphere

Color Number: 0013

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0013

LRV: 80

RGB: 242 232 203

Hex: #F0E7CD

Color Schemes:

Similar Colors:


You probably have experienced it. So many color choices that you are paralyzed from making the best decision, or any decision. Choice fatigue can overwhelm and crush creative inspiration. Summer is a great time for connecting with the outdoors, finding inspiring colors and combinations for the trickiest home project.
Our 2020 Trend Palettes provide subtle yet lively and distinct measures of inspiration along our daily paths. It could be memories of a cherished piece, soft shades that offer a respite at the end of the day, or vibrant tones to inspire and motivate us to move beyond hesitation and obstacles.

Diamond Vogel's 2024 Trend Report, ‘Embrace the Adventure’ provides twenty colors in four trend palettes that pro