Color Name: Polished

Color Number: 0209

Due to variances in computer monitors, colors displayed may vary from actual paint colors. For best results, visit your Diamond Vogel Paint Store and refer to our color chips or samples.

Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0209

LRV: 68

RGB: 221 214 203

Hex: #DDD7CE

Color Schemes:

Similar Colors:


We have completed our yearly color survey of the most popular paint colors for interiors, including cabinets and trim, as well as exteriors as reported by your local Diamond Vogel Paint store. This survey gives up-to-date insights to the most popular colors being selected by our customers and is a great guide for your next painting project.
Boost motivation and improve you and your colleagues’ well-being with this optimistic color palette.
November is the perfect month to revamp your interiors for the festive holidays with a look to take you well into the new year. This selection of easy neutrals flows pleasingly from light to dark creating tranquil and warm environments.
This delicate and creamy neutral is complex in its composition and sits on the fence between warm and cool, a magnificent hybrid of grey and beige, making its applications endless.