Color Name: Pure Laughter

Color Number: 0846

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0846

LRV: 88

RGB: 250 242 199

Hex: #FAF2C8

Color Schemes:

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As we set a path forward from the pandemic, we search for ways to streamline and find balance in our lives. Fresh color can offer inspiration by providing quiet, restful spaces, or energize us to take action. Diamond Vogel’s 2022 Trend Palettes offer collections that deliver optimism, energy, confidence, and meditative reflection.
Our 2020 Trend Palettes provide subtle yet lively and distinct measures of inspiration along our daily paths. It could be memories of a cherished piece, soft shades that offer a respite at the end of the day, or vibrant tones to inspire and motivate us to move beyond hesitation and obstacles.
Using pastels across your exteriors creates a space to unwind and feel refreshed. This month’s color palette looks beautiful in bright sunlight, but also stands out in shaded yards and can brighten up even the darkest of areas.